estornino: starling
estornudar: to sneeze
estornudo: sneeze
estos: these; these ones
estrabismo: squint; strabismus
estrado: platform; rostrum; stand; dais; courtrooms
estrafalario: eccentric; outlandish; ridiculous; queer; odd
estrago: havoc; ruin; ravage
estragón: tarragon
estrambótico: outlandish; eccentric; odd; queer; strange
estramonio: stramonium; thorn apple
estrangulación: strangulation; throttling; choke
estrangulador: strangler
estrangular: to strangle; to throttle; to choke
estrangularse: to kill oneself by strangulation
estraperlista: black marketeer
estraperlo: black market
Estrasburgo: Strasbourg
estratagema: stratagem; ruse
estratega: strategist
estrategia: strategy; strategics
estratégico: strategic; strategical; strategist
estratificación: stratification
estrato: stratum; layer; stratus
estratosfera: stratosphere
estraza: rag; papel de estraza: brown paper
estrechamiento: narrowing; strengthening; closing; pressing
estrechar: to narrow; to contract; to constrain; to compel; to press; to tighten; to take in; to shake
estrecharse: to narrow; to become narrower; to strengthen; to grow stronger; to shake; to
squeeze together
estrechez: narrowness; hardship; tightness; strictness; pressure; closeness; intimacy; jam;
predicament; penury; poverty
estrecho: narrow; tight; close; strict; miserly; jam; predicament; strait; straits
estrella: star; destiny; luck; estrella de mar: starfish; estrella fugaz: shooting star; estrella
polar: Pole Star
estrellado:> starry; full of stars; star-shaped; fried
estrellar: to smash; to fry eggs; to strew with stars
estrellarse: to crash; to fail; to become strewn with stars
estrellato: stardom
estremecedor: frightful; fearful; thrilling
estremecer: to shake; to make tremble; to shudder; to thrill
estremecerse: to shake; to tremble; to shudder; to thrill
estremecimiento: shaking; trembling; shuddering; shudder; thrill; thrilling
estrenar: to wear for the first time; to handsel; to perform for the first time
estrenarse: to make one's debut
estreno: first use; première; debut; first performance; handsel
estreñido: constipated
estreñimiento: constipation; costiveness
estreñir: to constipate; to bind
estrépito: din; racket; loud noise; display
estrepitoso: deafening; crashing; loud; boisterous; noisy; spectacular