English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

estreptococo: streptococcus
estrés: stress
estresante: stressful
estría: stretch mark; stria; flute; groove
estribación: spur; counterfort
estribar: to rest; to lie
estribillo: chorus; burden; refrain; pet word
estribo: stirrup; footrest; step; spur; buttress; stapes; base; support; perder los estribos: to lose
one's temper
estribor: starboard
estricnina: strychnine
estricto: strict
estridente: strident; loud; garish; shrill
estrofa: stanza; verse; strophe
estrógeno: oestrogen; estrogen
estroncio: strontium
estropajo: scourer; esparto scrub; dishcloth; worthless thing; dishcloth gourd
estropajoso: straw-like; thick; indistinct; untidy; ragged; tough; stringy
estropear: to damage; to spoil; to ruin; to maim; to cripple
estropearse: to break down; to go bad; to fall through; to be ruined
estropicio: mess; upset; breakage; smash; crash
estructura: structure; frame; framework; make
estructuralismo: structuralism
estructurar: to structure; to build
estruendo: din; racket; clangor; crash; uproar; confusion; ostentation
estrujar: to squeeze; to press; to crush; to jam; to drain; to exhaust
estrujón: squeeze; crush
estuario: estuary
estuche: case; cover; etui; etwee
estuco: stucco
estudiado: studied; affected; mannered
estudiante: student
estudiantil: student
estudiantina: student musical band
estudiar: to study; to look into; to examine; to be a student
estudio: study; paper; studio flat; studio; library
estudioso: studious: hard-working
estufa: stove; heater; cooker; oven
estupefacción: stupefaction; amazement
estupefaciente: narcotic; stupefacient
estupefacto: astonished; speechless; amazed; dumbfounded
estupendo: wonderful; marvelous; stupendous
estupidez: stupidity; stupid thing
estúpido: stupid; foolish; witless
estupor: stupor; amazement; astonishment
estupro: rape; violation; unlawful intercourse with a minor
esturión: sturgeon
esvástica: swastika
etapa: phase; stage; leg
etcétera: et cetera
éter: ether; heavens

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