English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

extenuación: exhaustion; emaciation; wasting
extenuado: exhausted
extenuar: to exhaust; to emaciate; to weaken; to wear out
extenuarse: to become exhausted; to wear oneself out
exterior: exterior; external; outer; foreign; outside; appearance; abroad; wing; winger
exterioridad: outward appearance; external appearance
exteriorización: manifestation; expression
exteriorizar: yo show; to reveal; to externalize; to make manifest
exteriorizarse: to appear outwardly
exterminación: extermination
exterminador: exterminator; exterminating
exterminar: to exterminate; to wipe out
exterminio: extermination
externo: external; outward; day; foreign
extinción: extinction; extinguishment
extinguir: to exterminate; to wipe out; to put out; to extinguish; to quench
extinguirse: to become extinct; to die out; to go out; to expire; to run out
extinto: extinct; late; deceased
extintor: extinguisher; extinctor
extirpación: extraction; removal; elimination
extirpar: to remove; to stamp out; to eliminate; to extirpate
extorsión: extortion; damage; trouble
extra: outstanding; extra; bonus
extracción: extraction; draw; origin; birth
extractar: to summarize; to abstract; to epitomize
extracto: summary; abstract; extract; statement
extractor: extractor; extracting
extradición: extradition
extraditar: to extradite
extraer: to extract; to draw out; to come out; to reach
extraescolar: extracurricular
extrafino: best quality; superfine
extralimitarse: to go too far; to exceed the limit
extramuros: outside the city
extranjería: foreign status
extranjerismo: loan word; foreignism
extranjero: foreign; outlandish; alien; en el extranjero: abroad
extranjis: on the sly; in secret
extrañar: to surprise; to miss; to banish; to exile
extrañarse: to be surprised; to exile oneself
extrañeza: surprise; wonder; astonishment; strangeness; oddity
extraño: strange; odd; outside; foreign; alien; queer; peculiar; stranger
extraoficial: unofficial; extraofficial
extraordinario: extraordinary; unusual; uncommon; outstanding; exceptional; special; extra;
extrapolar: to extrapolate
extrarradio: outskirts
extraterrestre: extraterrestrial; alien; extraterrestrial
extraterritorial: extraterritorial
extravagancia: outrageousness; outrageous act; oddness; wildness; folly; nonsense
extravagante: outrageous; extravagant; outlandish; flamboyant; odd; queer; wild; nonsensical

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