English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


fa: fa; fah
fabada: Asturian stew made of beans, pork sausage and bacon
fábrica: factory; works; mill; plant; manufacture; fabrication; invention; building; masonry;
fábrica de papel: paper mill; fábrica de cerveza: brewery
fabricación: manufacture; manufacturing; fabrication; make
fabricante: manufacturer; maker; factory owner
fabricar: to manufacture; to make; to build; to construct; to fabricate; to make up; to invent; to
fábula: legend; fable; story; rumour; gossip; mythology
fabuloso: mythical; fabulous; fantastic; fictitious; enormous; extraordinary
faca: curved knife; large pointed knife
facción: faction; insurgent party; action; combat; facciones: features
faceta: facet; side
facha: appearance; look; mess; ridiculous figure; sight; fright; fascist
fachada: façade; front; exterior; appearance
facial: facial; intuitive
fácil: easy; likely; easy-going; fluent; frail; wanton; easily
facilidad: ease; easiness; aptitude; facility; facilidades: facilities
facilitar: to facilitate; to make easy; to expedite; to make possible; to provide; to supply; to
facón: large knife; gaucho's knife
facsímil, facsímile: facsimile
factible: feasible; practicable
fáctico: factual; poderes fácticos: the church, military and press
factor: factor; agent; luggage clerk
factoría: factory; agency; factorage
factorial: factorial
factótum: factotum
factual: factual
factura: invoice; bill; facture; execution; pastries
facturación: turnover; net revenue; checking-in; registration; invoicing; billing
facturar: to bill; to invoice; to turn over; to check in; to register; to remit by rail
facultad: faculty; ability; skill; power; right; authority; permission
facultar: to authorize; to empower
facultativo:> facultative; optional; professional; medical; doctor; physician; surgeon
faena: task; work; job; toil; passes performed by bullfighter using his cape
faenar: to fish; to work
fagocito: phagocyte
fagot: bassoon; bassoonist
faisán: pheasant
faja: girdle; sash; cummerbund; corset; strip; belt; girder; newspaper wrapper; stripe; band;
zone; fascia
fajín: sash
fajo: wad; bundle; sheaf; roll
falacia: deceit; trick; fallacy; deception; deceitfulness
falange: phalanx; phalange
falaz: false; deceitful; deceptive; fallacious
falda: skirt; lap; slope; mountainside; brisket; plate; brim; falda escocesa: kilt
faldón: tail; folds; shawl; flap; triangular slope of roof; mantel of chimney

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