feria: fair; deal; agreement; rest; feria de muestras: trade fair
ferial: fair; fairground; ferial
feriante: fairgoing; fairgoer; stallholder; exhibitor
fermentación: fermentation
fermentar: to ferment
fermento: ferment
ferocidad: ferocity
feroz: ferocious; fierce; ravenous
férreo: ferrous; rail; railway; iron; strong; harsh; severe
ferretería: hardware store; ironmonger's; ironmongery
ferretero: hardware dealer; ironmonger
férrico: ferric
ferrocarril: railway; railroad
ferroso: ferrous
ferroviario: rail; railway; railway worker
ferry: ferry
fértil: fertile
fertilidad: fertility
fertilizante: fertilizer; fertilizing
fertilizar: to fertilize
ferviente: ardent; fervent
fervor: fervour; fervor
fervoroso: fervent
festejar: to celebrate; to fête; to feast; to court; to woo
festejo: festivity; celebration; fête; courting
festín: feast; banquet
festival: festival
festividad: festivity; feast; celebration; holiday; humour
festivo: festive; public holiday; humorous; witty; merry; joyful
festón: festoon; scalloped border
feta: slice
fetal: foetal; fetal
fetén: great; fantastic
fetiche: fetish
fetichismo: fetishism
fetichista: fetishist; fetishistic
fétido: foul-smelling; fetid
feto: foetus; fetus
feudal: feudal; feudalistic
feudalismo: feudalism
feudo: feud; fief; fiefdom; vassalage; sphere of influence
fez: fez
fiable: reliable; dependable; trustworthy; responsible
fiado: on credit
fiador: guarantor; surety; bail; safety cord; strap; catch; pawl
fiambre: cold meat; stale; corpse; stiff
fiambrera: food container; lunch box
fiambrería: delicatessen
fianza: bail; guaranty; security; bond; guarantor
fiar: to answer for; to give credit; to vouch for; to trust; to sell on credit
fiarse: to trust; to rely on