English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

fiasco: fiasco; failure
fibre: fiber; fibre; staple; grain; energy; vigour; stamina
fibroso: fibrous
ficción: fiction
ficha: counter; domino; chip; token; ticket; number; index card; exercise sheet
fichaje: signing
fichar: to open a file on; to clock in; to clock out; to sign up
fichero: file; filing cabinet; card index
ficticio: fictitious
ficus: rubber plant
fidedigno: trustworthy; reliable
fidecomisario: trustee
fideicomiso: trusteeship; fideicommissum
fidelidad: fidelity; faithfulness; loyalty; fealty; accuracy
fideo: noodle; vermicelli; estar como un fideo: to be very thin
fiduciario: fiduciary; trustee
fiebre: temperature; fever; excitement; agitation
fiel: faithful; loyal; true; trustworthy; accurate; believer; needle; pointer
fieltro: felt
fiera: beast; wild animal; ace; cruel person
fiereza: fierceness; cruelty; ferocity; ugliness
fiero: fierce; ferocious; cruel; wild; ugly; hideous; great; violent; intense; rough; rude
fierro: iron; small change
fiesta: party; holiday; festival; feast; merrymaking; endearment; caress
figura: figure; drawing; picture card; face card; whizz; ace; note
figuración: imagination; imagining; fancy; figuration
figurado: figurative; figured; represented; imagined
figurante: extra; figurant
figurar: to be; to appear; to represent; to depict; to feign; to be counted among
figurarse: to imagine; to fancy
figurín: sketch; fashion magazine; ir hecho un figurín: to look smart
figurón: large figure; show-off; pretentious nobody
fijación: fixation; obsession; fixing; appointment
fijador: hair gel; hair spray; fixing; fixer; fixative
fijar: to fix; to attach; to concentrate; to establish; to set; to nail
fijarse: to notice; to pay attention; to notice; to observe; to set
Fiji: Fiji
fijo: fixed; attached; regular; firm; immovable; set; intent; fast; stationary; definitely; for sure
fila: line; row; tier; rank; dislike; hatred; en fila india: single file; en fila: in a row
filacteria: phylactery
Filadelfia:> Philadelphia
filamento: filament
filantropía: philanthropy
filántropo: philanthropic
filarmónica: philharmonic orchestra
filarmónico: philharmonic
filatelia: stamp collecting; philately
filatélico: stamp-collecting; philatelic; philatelist
filete: sirloin; fillet; listel; narrow hem; border
filiación: filiation; personal details; sympathies
filial: filial; branch; affiliated; subsidiary

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