fontanería: plumbing; pipelaying; water supply system
fontanero: plumber; pipelayer
footing: jogging
foque: jib
forajido: outlaw; bandit; malefactor
foráneo: foreign; strange
forastero: foreign; outside; foreigner; outsider; guest; visitor
forcejear: to struggle; to strive; to contend with
forcejeo: struggle; strife; struggling
fórceps: forceps
forense: forensic; legal
forestal: forest; forestal
forja: forge; forging; ironworks; foundry
forjado: framework; wrought; forged
forjar: to forge; to create; to build; to invent
forjarse: to create; to build up; forjarse ilusiones: to have false hopes
forma: form; shape; style; way; method; host; formas: social conventions
formación: formation; education; training; form; shape
formal: formal; reliable; serious; explicit
formalidad: formality; reliability; seriousness; exactitude; restraint; composure; gravity
formalismo: formalism
formalizar: to make official; to regularize; to formalize; to formulate; to state
formalizarse: to settle down; to become serious or earnest
formar: to form; to shape; to fashion; to make; to frame; to model; to mould; to constitute; to
make up; to train; to educate; to develop; to fall in; to draw up
formarse: to form; to grow; to develop; to become educated
formatear: to format
formativo: formative
formato: format
fórmico: formic
formidable: wonderful; great; huge; enormous; formidable; fantastic; magnificent
formol: formalin; formol
formón: chisel
fórmula: formula; solution
formular: to formulate; to make; to express; to prescribe
formulario: form; formulary; perfunctory
fornicar: to fornicate; to fuck
fornido: well-built; hefty; robust; sturdy
foro: forum; debate; bar; back of stage
forofo: supporter; fan
forrado: lined; covered; very rich
forraje: fodder; forage
forrajero: used for fodder
forrar: to cover; to line; to plank
forrarse: to make a fortune
forro: cover; lining; sheathing; planking
fortachón: strong; well-built; strong; sturdy; burly
fortalecer: to strengthen; to make stronger; to fortify
fortalecerse: to become stronger; to grow strong
fortaleza: fortress; stronghold; strength; vigour; fortitude
fortificación: fortification