fortificar: to fortify; to strengthen
fortín: small fort
fortísimo: very strong
fortuito: fortuitous; chance
fortuna: luck; fortune; success; chance; fate; wealth
forúnculo: boil; furuncle
forzado: forced; compelled; constrained; strained; compulsory
forzar: to force; to compel; to constrain; to break; to storm; to take; to ravish; to rape; to violate
forzoso: compulsory; obligatory; necessary; unavoidable
forzudo: strong; strapping; vigorous
fosa: hole; pit; grave; sepulture; trench; trough; cavity; fossa; fosas nasales: nostrils; fosa
séptica: septic tank
fosfatina: estar hecho fosfatina: to be exhausted
fosfato: phosphate
fosforescente: phosphorescent
fósforo: phosphorus; match
fósil: fossil; fossilized
fosilizarse: to become fossilized; to fossilize
foso: moat; ditch; fosse; foss; hole; pit
foto: photo; picture
fotocopia: photocopy
fotocopiadora: photocopier
fotocopiar: to photocopy
fotoeléctrico: photoelectric
fotofobia: photophobia
fotogénico: photogenic
fotografía: photography; photograph
fotografiar: to photograph
fotográfico: photographic
fotógrafo: photographer
fotomatón: photo-booth
fotómetro: light meter
fotomontaje: photomontage
fotón: photon
fotonovela: photostory
fotosíntesis: photosynthesis
fototeca: photograph library
foxterrier: fox terrier
frac: full-dress coat; tails
fracasado: failed; unsuccessful; failure
fracasar: to fail; to be unsuccessful; to fall through
fracaso: failure; unsuccess; disaster; calamity
fracción: fraction; part
fraccionar: to divide; to slit; to break up; to fraction; to fractionate
fraccionarse: to divide; to split
fractura: fracture; breaking
fracturar: to fracture; to break
fracturarse: to fracture; to break
fragancia: fragance
fragante: fragrant
fraganti: in fraganti: red-handed