English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

freír: to fry; to bother; to pester
freírse: to roast; to fry
fréjol: bean
frenar: to brake; to curb; to restrain; to bridle
frenarse: to restrain oneself
frenazo: sudden braking
frenesí: frenzy; vehemence; distraction
frenético: frenzied; frenetic; furious; mad
frenillo: frenum; muzzle; tarred rope
freno: brake; bit; bridle; restraint; freno de mano: handbrake
frente: forehead; brow; front; face; obverse; de frente: forward; frente a: opposite; facing
fresa: strawberry; cutter; drill
fresar: to mill
fresca: cool; blunt remark
frescachón: healthy; robust
frescales: cheeky monkey; forward and careless person
fresco: cool; coolness; fresh; new; cheeky; bold; fresco
frescor: coolness; freshness
frescura: coolness; freshness; cheek; nerve; unconcern
fresno: ash tree; ash
fresón: large strawberry
fresquera: meat-safe
frialdad: coldness; coolness; calmness; indifference; unconcern; dullness; sang-froid
fricción: friction; rub; rubbing
friccionar: to rub
fríe: freír
friega: rub; rubbing; nuisance; scolding
friegaplatos: dishwasher
friego: fregar
frígida: frigid woman
frigidez: frigidity
frígido: frigid
frigorífico: refrigerator; fridge; refrigerated; cámara frigorífica: cold-storage room
frijol: bean; kidney bean
frío: cold; cool; frigid; calm; chill; indifferent; unmoved; unconcerned; dull; coldness; freír
friolera: large amount; trifle
friolero: sensitive to the cold; chilly
frisa: frieze; fraise
frisar: to be getting on for; to be close to; to approach; to frieze; to frizz; to rub
friso: frieze; dado; mopboard; ornamental band on a wall; wainscot
fritada: fry; fried dish
fritanga: greasy fried food
frito: fried; fast asleep; worried to death; exasperated
fritura: fried dish
frivolidad: frivolity; frivolousness
frivolizar: to trivialize
frívolo: frivolous; trifling
fronda: frond; leaf; foliage
frondoso: leafy; luxuriant
frontal: frontal; head-on; head-to-head
frontera: border; frontier; boundary

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