fronterizo: border; frontier; facing; opposite
frontón: fronton; pediment; pelota court
frotar: to rub
frotarse: to rub
frotis: swab
fructífero: fruitful; profitable; fructiferous
fructificar: to be fruitful; to bear fruit; to fructify
fructosa: fructose
frugal: frugal
fruición: enjoyment; pleasure; fruition
frunce: gather; gathering
fruncido: gathered; tener el ceño fruncido: to frown
fruncir: to knit; to pucker; to gather; to wrinkle
fruslería: trifle; triviality
frustrante: frustrating
frustrar: to thwart; to frustrate; to baulk; to foil; to defeat
frustrarse: to come to nothing; to get frustrated; to miscarry; to fail; to fall through
fruta: fruit
frutal: fruit; fruit-bearing
frutería: fruit stall; fruiterer's
frutero: fruit bowl; fruiterer; fruit seller
frutilla: strawberry
fruto: fruit; yield; crop; result; consequence; frutos secos: nuts
fu: faugh; ni fu ni fa: neither one thing nor the other
fucsia: fuchsia
fue: preterit tense of ir; preterit tense of ser
fuego: fire; drumfire; light; beacon light; hearth; house; ring; passion; fuego fatuo: will-o'-the-
wisp; fuegos artificiales: fireworks
fuel: fuel oil
fuelle: bellows; bag; folding carriage hood; fold; pucker; talebearer
fuente: fountain; spring; serving dish; platter; source; origin; font; issue
fuera: outside; out; without; away; out of town; preterit tense of ser; preterit tense of ir
fueraborda: outboard
fuero: right; privilege; charter; jurisdiction
fuerte: strong; intense; severe; loud; heavy; violent; forte; fort; fortress; hard; healthy; vigorous;
fuerza: strength; force; power; duress; compulsion; violence; vigour; efficacy
fuerzo: forzar
fuese: preterit tense of ser; preterit tense of ir
fuete: whip; horsewhip
fuga: escape; flight; leak, leakage; elopement; ardour; fugue
fugacidad: fugacity
fugarse: to escape, to run away; to flee; to elope
fugaz: brief; fleeting; fugacious; fugitive; transitory; estrella fugaz: shooting star
fugitivo: fleeing; fugitive; runaway
fui, fuiste: preterit tense of ser; preterit tense of ir
fulana: so-and-so; prostitute; tart; hooker; mistress, paramour
fulano: so-and-so; guy; bloke
fular: scarf; foulard
fulero: lying; cheating; poor; liar; crook; swindler
fulgor: glow; shine; light; brilliancy