fulgurante: shining; brilliant; glittering; flashing
fullería: cheating; trickery
fullero: cheating; double-crossing; cheat; cardsharp; sharper
fulminante: withering; immediate; instantaneous; sudden; explosive; fuse; detonator
fulminar: to fulminate; to thunder; ti hurl; to strike with lightning; fulminar con la mirada: to
look daggers at somebody
fumadero: smoking room; fumadero de opio: opium den
fumador: smoker
fumar: to smoke
fumarse: to smoke; to blow; to spend; to skip
fumarola: fumarole
fumigación: fumigation
fumigar: to fumigate; to spray
funámbulo: funambulist; ropewalker
función: function; duty; performance; show; action; battle
funcional: functional
funcionamiento: operation; functioning; working; running
funcionar: to operate; to function; to work; to run
funcionario: civil servant; functionary; government employee; funcionario de prisiones: prison
funda: cover; case; pillowcase; holster; sheath; sleeve; envelope; slip
fundación: foundation; establishing; founding
fundado: well-founded
fundador: founder; founding
fundamental: fundamental; basic; foundation
fundamentar: to base; to lay the foundations of
fundamentarse: to stand; to be based
fundamento: basis; foundation; ground; root; origin; seriousness; sense
fundar: to found; to establish; to base; to stand
fundarse: to be based
fundición: casting; smelting; foundry; cast iron; font
fundido: molten; smelting; fade-in
fundir: to smelt; to smelt; to cast; to fuse, to found; to unite; to bring together
fundirse: yo blow; to fuse; to burn out; to merge; to squander; to be ruined
fungicida: fungicide
fundo: ranch; land; country property
fúnebre: funeral; mournful; gloomy; sad
funeral: funeral; funeral pomp
funerala: with arms inverted; ojo a la funerala: black eye
funeraria: undertaker's; funeral parlour; funeral home
funerario: funeral; funerary
funesto: ill-fated; fatal, baneful; pernicious; unfortunate
funicular: funicular; cable car
furgón: van; wagon; boxcar; luggage van
furgoneta: van; pick-up truck
furia: fury; rage; force; fit of madness; hurry; speed; violence; Fury
furibundo: furious; livid; angry; choleric
furioso: furious; livid; violently insane; tremendous; excessive
furor: rage; fury; furor; enthusiasm; violence; vehemence; passion
furtivo: furtive; clandestine; cazador furtivo: poacher
furúnculo: boil; furuncle