English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

fusa: demisemiquaver
fuselaje: fuselage
fusible: fuse; fusible
fusil: rifle; gun; musket; fusil submarino: harpoon gun
fusilamiento: execution by shooting
fusilar: to execute by shooting; to plagiarize
fusión: melting; fusion; thawing; amalgamation; merge
fusionar: to merge; to amalgamate; to unite
fusionarse: to be merged
fusta: crop; whip; brushwood; a woolen fabric; an ancient two-mast boat
fuste: shaft; fust; importance; consequence; wood; timber; saddle-tree
fustigar: to whip; to lash; to reprimand; to censure
futbito: five-a-side football
fútbol: football; soccer
futbolín: table football
futbolista: football player; soccer player
fútil: futile; unimportant; trivial; trifling
futurismo: futurism
futurista: futuristic; futurist
futuro: future; fiancé; fiancée
futurólogo: futurologist

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