English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

gandul: lazy; lazybones; layabout; slacker; idler; loafer; vagabond; idling; loafing
gandulear: to loaf about; to idle around
ganga: snip; bargain; gangue; pin-tailed sand grouse
Ganges: Ganges
ganglio: node; ganglion
gangoso: snuffling; nasal
gangrena: gangrene
gangrenoso: gangrenous
gángster: gangster
ganguear: to speak in a nasal voice; to snuffle
gansada: stupidity; silly act or remark
ganso: goose; gander; idiot; fool; slow person; rustic person
ganzúa: picklock; pumper of secrets
gañido: yelp
gañote: throat; gullet
garabatear: to scribble; to scrawl; to doodle; to beat about the bush
garabato: scribble; scrawl; doodle; hook; meathook; grappling iron; weeding hoe; charm
garaje: garage
garante: guarantor; responsible
garantía: guarantee; assurance; surety; security; warranty
garantizar: to guarantee; to assure; to warrant; to indorse; to vouch for
garapiña: cold drink made with pineapple skin, water and sugar; state of a liquid frozen or
coagulated into grumes
garbanzo: chickpea; garbanzo negro: black sheep
garbeo: stroll
garbo: grace; gracefulness; jauntiness; stylishness; style; liberality
garboso: graceful; jaunty; liberal; openhanded; generous
garceta: lesser egret; side lock of hair; brow antler
gardenia: gardenia
garduña: beech marten; stone marten
garete: irse al garete: to come adrift
garfio: hook; gaff
gargajo: phlegm
garganta: throat; gullet; singing voice; instep; gorge; narrow mountain pass; groove
gargantilla: choker; necklace
gárgara: gargle; gargling; vete a hacer gárgaras: go to blazes; go to hell
gárgola: gargoyle; flax boll
garita: cabin; fortification; turret; porter's lodge; sentry box
garito: gambling den; dive
garnacha: robe; gown; a sweet purple grape
garra: claw; talon; paw; hand; charisma; hook; garras: clutches
garrafa: carafe; decanter; cylinder
garrafal: great; big; whooping; huge; monumental; enormous
garrapata: tick; disabled horse
garrapiñado: coated in sugar
garrapiñar: to candy; to coat with sugar
garrocha: pole; picador's pike or lance; staff with a barbed point
garrotazo: blow with a stick or cudgel
garrote: club; stick; garrotte; olive cutting
garúa: drizzle
garza: heron; purple heron

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