garzo: blue-eyed
gas: gas; lighter fuel; gaslight; gases: wind; gas
gasa: gauze; chiffon; crape
gaseoducto: gas pipeline
gaseosa: lemonade; soda water
gaseoso: gaseous; fizzy
gasoil, gasóleo: diesel oil
gasolina: gas; petrol; gasoline; echar gasolina: to fill up
gasolinera: petrol station; gas station
gastado: worn out; drained; finished; spent; empty; hackneyed; broken; burnt out
gastador: spendthrift; sapper; pioneer; extravagant
gastar: to spend; to use; to use up; to consume; to wear; to wear out; to waste; to play; to be; to
gastarse: to wear out; to run out; to spend
gasto: outlay; expenditure; expense; consumption; waste; wear; use; flow
gástrico: gastric
gastritis: gastritis
gastroenteritis: gastroenteritis
gastronomía: gastronomy
gastrónomo: gourmet; gastronomer
gata: she-cat; maid; a gatas: on all fours
gatear: to crawl; to climb; to go on all fours; to creep; to scratch
gatera: cat door; cat flap; cathole
gatillo: trigger; hammer; cock; pelican; dentist's forceps; nape of bull; clamping piece
gato: cat; tomcat; jack; clamp; servant; sneak thief; dar gato por liebre: to take somebody in
gatuno: cat; catlike; feline
gauchada: favour; good turn
gaucho: gaucho; kind
gaulteria: wintergreen
gaveta: drawer
gavilán: sparrowhawk; nib of a quill pen; hair stroke ending a letter; quillon; pappus
gavilla: sheaf; bundle; gavel
gaviota: seagull; gull
gavota: gavotte
gay: gay
gazapo: young rabbit; mistake; misprint; slip of the tongue; lie
gazmoño: sanctimonious; prude; prig; demure; prudish; priggish
gaznate: throat; gullet; throttle; windpipe
gazpacho: gazpacho; Andalusian soup made with tomatoes, peppers, bread and garlic and served
gazuza: hunger; keen appetite
ge: name of the letter G
géiser: geyser
gel: gel
gelatina: jelly; gelatine
gélido: icy; freezing; cold; chilly
gema: gem; precious stone; bud; gemma
gemelo: twin; calf; gemelos: cufflinks; binoculars; opera glasses
gemido: moan; groan; whine; wail; lamentation
Géminis: Gemini
gemir: to groan; to moan; to whine; to howl; to wail, to grieve