English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

graznar: to caw; to honk; to quack; to squawk
graznido: caw; cawing; honk; honking; quack; quacking; squawk; squawking
Grecia: Greece
gregario: gregarious
gremio: union; brigade; profession; guild; body of the Church
greña: tangle of hair
gres: stoneware
gresca: row; argument; racket; noise; hubbub
grial: grail
griego: Greek
grieta: crack; crevice; cleft; flaw; chap; chink
grifería: taps; faucets; plumbing
grifo: tap; faucet; griffin
grill: grill; broiler
grillado: crazy; nut; looped
grillete: shackle; fetter
grillo: cricket; sprout
grima: displeasure; horror; vexation; irritation; dar grima: to set one's teeth on edge
gringo: gringo; foreigner
gripa: flu
gripe: flu
gris: grey; gloomy; miserable; dull; cloudy; monotonous; Siberian squirrel
grisáceo: greyish
grisú: firedamp
gritar: to shout; to scream; to yell, to cry out; to hoot
griterío: screaming; shouting; outcry; uproar
grito: scream; shout; cry
groenlandés: Greenlandic; Greenlander
Groenlandia: Greenland
grogui: groggy
grosella: redcurrant; currant; grosella negra: blackcurrant; grosella silvestre: gooseberry
grosería: rudeness; coarseness; roughness; rude thing; swear word
grosero: rude; crude; coarse; rough; rustic; unpolished; uncivil; discourteous; boor; churl
grosor: thickness
grosso: a grosso modo: roughly
grotesco: grotesque; ridiculous
grúa: crane; breakdown truck; tow truck
grueso: thick; thickset; fat; large; substantial; big; stormy; thickness; main body or part
grulla: crane
grumete: cabin boy
grumo: lump; clot; thick cluster
gruñido: growl; grunt; grumble
gruñir: to growl; to grunt; to grumble; to moan; to creak; to squeak
gruñón: grumpy; cranky; grumbler; moaner
grupa: hindquarters; rump; croup
grupo: group; band; cluster; unit; set; knot
grupúsculo: faction; splinter group
gruta: grotto; grot; cave
guaca: money box
guacal: pumpkin; cage
guacamayo: red-and-blue macaw

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