English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

inexpresivo: inexpressive
inexpugnable: inexpugnable; impregnable; stubborn; firm
infalible: infallible; unerring
infame: despicable; awful, dreadful; infamous; very bad; wicked person
infamia: infamy; infamous
infancia: childhood; infancy; babyhood
infanta: princess; infanta; female child
infante: prince; child; infant; infantry soldier
infantería: infantry
infantil: childlike; childish; infantile; infant; innocent; children's
infarto: heart attack; infarct; infarctation
infatigable: tireless; untiring; indefatigable
infausto: unlucky; unhappy; fatal
infección: infection
infeccioso: infectious
infectar: to infect
infectarse: to become infected
infelicidad: unhappiness; infelicity
infeliz: unhappy; unfortunate; wretched; wretch; simple; naive; good-natured
inferior: lower; under; inferior
inferioridad: inferiority
inferir: to infer; to conclude; to cause; to inflict; to offer; to do an injury
infernal: awful; infernal; hellish; confounded; detestable
infestado: infested; overrun; flooded
infestar: to infest; to overrun
infidelidad: infidelity; unfaithfulness
infiel: unfaithful; disloyal; inaccurate; inexact; pagan; infidel; unbelieving
infiernillo: small alcohol stove
infierno: hell; inferno; en el quinto infierno: in the back of beyond
infiltrar: to infiltrate; to infuse; to instil; to insinuate
infiltrarse: to seep
ínfimo: very small; very little; very low; very poor; lowest; least; vilest; most abject; most
infinidad: infinity; infinitude; infinite number; countless
infinitivo: infinitive
infinito: infinite; infinity
inflación: inflation; conceit; vanity
inflamable: flammable; inflammable
inflamar: to inflame; to set fire to; to stir; to arouse
inflamarse: to become inflamed; to catch fire; to get excited
inflar: to inflate; to blow up; to exaggerate
inflarse: to stuff oneself
inflexible: inflexible
infligir: to inflict
influencia: influence
influenciar: to influence
influir: to influence
influjo: influence; rising tide
influyente: influential
información: information; news; directory; inquiry; investigation
informador: informer; journalist

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