English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

informal: informal; unreliable; casual; not serious
informar: to inform; to tell; to report; to plead before a court; to enquire; to find out
informarse: to get information; to find out
informática: computing; information science
informativo: informative; news program
informatizar: to computerize
informatizarse: to become computerized
informe: shapeless; formless; report; account; plea; reference; character
infortunio: misfortune; misery; mishap; mischance
infracción: violation; infringement; infraction; breach
infractor: breaker; transgressor
infraestructura: infrastructure
infrahumano: subhuman
infranqueable: impassable; insurmountable
infrarrojo: infrared
infravalorar: to undervalue
infrecuente: infrequent
infringir: to infringe; to break; to transgress
infructuoso: unsuccessful; fruitless; unfruitful
ínfula: infula; conceit; airs
infundado: unfounded; groundless; baseless
infundio: false report; malicious story; lie; canard
infundir: to give; to instil; to instill; to imbue with
infusión: infusion; herbal tea
ingeniar: to come up with; to devise; to think up; to contrive
ingeniarse: to manage; to find a way
ingeniería: engineering
ingeniero: engineer
ingenio: ingenuity; cleverness; wit; inventive faculty; mind; talent; device
ingenioso: ingenious; intelligent; witty
ingente: huge; massive; prodigious; vary large
ingenuidad: naïvety; ingeniousness; candour
ingenuo: naive; ingenious; candid; guileless
ingerir: to ingest
ingestión: ingestion; ingesting of food; consumption
Inglaterra: England
ingle: groin
inglés: English; Englishman; llave inglesa: monkey wrench
ingratitud: ingratitude; ungratefulness
ingrato: ungrateful; thankless; harsh; unpleasant
ingrediente: ingredient
ingresar: to enter; to become a member of; to join; to come in; to deposit; to pay in
ingreso: entrance; admission; deposit; coming in; revenue; receipt; ingresos: income
inhabilitar: to disqualify; to render incapable or unfit; to incapacitate; to disable
inhabitable: uninhabitable
inhalación: inhalation
inhalar: to inhale
inherente: inherent; intrinsic
inhibición: inhibition; act of keeping out of
inhibir: to inhibit
inhibirse: to be inhibit; to keep out of

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