English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

millón: million
millonada: fortune
millonario: millionaire
millonésimo: millionth
milonga: Argentinian dance and music
milord: milord; barouche
milpa: maize field; cornfield; maize; corn
milpiés: millipede; wood louse
mimado: spoiled; pampered
mimar: to spoil; to pet; to fondle; to cuddle; to pamper; to take great care of
mimbre: wicker; osier; withe; willow
mimbrera: osier; willow
mimético: imitative; mimetic
mimetismo: mimicry; mimesis
mímica: mime; pantomime; dumb show; sign language
mimo: mime; caress; petting; pampering; overindulgence
mimosa: mimosa
mimoso: caressing; petting; soft; spoiled; fond of being petted
mina: mine; storehouse; lead
minar: to mine; to burrow; to sap; to consume; to lay mines in; to undermine
minarete: minaret
mineral: mineral; ore; water spring
mineralogía: mineralogy
minería: mining; mines; miners
minero: mining; miner; source; origin
mini: mini; miniskirt
miniatura: miniature
miniaturizar: to miniaturize
minifalda: miniskirt
minifundio: smallholding
minigolf: minigolf
mínima: smallest thing; minim; lowest temperature
minimalismo: minimalism
minimalista: minimalist
minimizar: to minimize; to diminish; to lessen; to undervalue; to play down
mínimo: minimal; minimum; least; smallest; minute; insignificant
minino: pussy cat; kitty
minipimer: hand blender
ministerio: ministry; cabinet; government; administration; office; function; agency; use; service
ministro: minister; agent; server; envoy
minoría: minority
monorista: retailer
minotauro: Minotaur
minucia: minor matter; tiny thing; trifle; detail
minucioso: meticulous; detailed; minute; scrupulous
minúscula: small letter; lower-case letter
minué: minuet
minuendo: minuend
minúsculo: small; minute; tiny
minusvalía: handicap; disability; depreciation
minusválido: handicapped; disabled

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