English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

neoclásico: neoclassic; neoclassical; neoclassicist
neófito: neophyte; newcomer
neologismo: neologism
neolítico: Neolithic
neologismo: neologism
neón: neon
neorrealismo: neorealism
neorrealista: neorealist
neoyorquino: New Yorker
neozelandés: New Zealander
Nepal: Nepal
nepalés: Nepalese
nepotismo: nepotism
Neptuno: Neptune
nervio: nerve; sinew; energy; vigour; spirit; rib; string; stay; nervios: nerves; poner de los
nervios: to get on somebody's nerves
nerviosismo: nervousness; nerves
nervioso: nervous; nerve; worked-up; vigorous; energetic
nervudo: sinewy; strong-nerved
neto: clear; clean; simple; plain; net; dado
neumático: pneumatic; tyre; tire; pneumatic
neumonía: pneumonia
neura: craze
neuralgia: neuralgia
neurastenia: neurasthenia
neurasténico: neurasthenic; hysterical
neurología: neurology
meurólogo: neurologist
neurona: neuron; neurona; nerve cell
neurosis: neurosis
neurótico: neurotic; obsessive; worked up
neutral: neutral; neuter
neutralidad: neutrality
neutralizar: to neutralize; to counteract
neutralizarse: to be neutralized
neutro: neutral; neuter
neutrón: neutron
nevada: snowfall
nevado: snow-covered; snow-white; snowy
nevar: to snow; to make snow-white
nevasca: snowstorm
nevera: refrigerator; fridge; icebox; very cold place
nevisca: flurry of snow; light snowfall; sleet
newton: newton
nexo: link; bond; connexion; nexus
ni: neither; nor; not one; not a single; even
nicho: niche
nicotina: nicotine
nidada: nestful of eggs; clutch; brood; hatch; covey
nido: nest; den; home; abode; baby unit
niebla: fog; mist; haze; confusion; smut; rust

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