nocturno: night; nocturnal; nocturn; nocturne
nodo: node
nodriza: wet nurse; node
nódulo: nodule
nogal: walnut tree; walnut wood
nómada: nomad; nomadic
nombramiento: appointment; appointing; naming; nomination; commission
nombrar: to name; to mention; to nominate; to appoint; to commission
nombre: name; fame; reputation; nickname; noun
nomenclatura: nomenclature
nomeolvides: forget-me-not; identity bracelet
nómina: payroll; salary; payslip; catalogue of names
nominación: appointment; nomination
nominal: nominal; face
nominar: to appoint; to nominate
nominativo: nominative; nominal
non: odd; uneven; odd number
nonada: trifle; nothing
nonagenario: nonagenarian
nonagésimo: ninetieth
nonato: not naturally born; unborn
nones: no
nono: ninth
noquear: to knock out
norcoreano: North Korean
nordeste: northeast
nórdico: Nordic; Norse
nordista: Northerner; Yankee
noreste: northeast
noria: noria; Ferris wheel; big wheel; water wheel
norma: norm; model; pattern; regulation; standard
normal: normal; standard; model; regular; two-star
normalidad: normality
normalización: normalization
normalizar: to normalize; to restore to normal
normalizarse: to get back to normal
Normandía: Normandy
normando: Norman; Norseman; Northman
normativa: rules; regulations
normativo: normative
noroeste: northwest
norte: north; aim; goal; lodestar; direction
Norteamérica: North America; the United States
norteamericano: North American; American
norteño: northern; norther
Noruega: Norway
noruego: Norwegian
nos: us; to us; for us; each other; ourselves; we
nosocomio: hospital
nosotros: we; us
nostalgia: nostalgia; homesickness; regret