oasis: oasis
obcecar: to blind mentally; to disturb the mind of; to obfuscate
obcecarse: to become stubborn
obedecer: to obey; to respond; to yield; to be the result of; to be due; to arise
obediencia: obedience
obediente: obedient
obelisco: obelisk; dagger
obertura: overture
obesidad: obesity; obeseness; fatness
obeso: obese; fat; fleshy
óbice: obstacle; impediment; hindrance
obispado: bishopric; episcopate; diocese
obispo: bishop
óbito: death; decease
obituario: obituaries section; obituary
objeción: objection
objetar: to object
objetividad: objectivity
objetivo: objective; aim; target; lens
objeto: object; purpose; objective; aim; end; thing
objetor: objector
oblea: wafer
oblicuo: oblique; slanting; sidelong
obligación: obligation; duty; commitment; bond; security
obligado: obliged
obligar: to oblige; to force; to bind; to compel; to force
obligarse: to put oneself under an obligation; to make a commitment
obligatorio: obligatory; compulsory
oblongo: oblong; oval
obnubilar: to cloud
oboe: oboe; oboist
obra: work; task; act; deed; work of art; play; piece; book; opus; building site; alteration
obrar: to act; to work; to fashion; to make; to build; to construct; to take effect; to be; to act; to
behave; to proceed
obrera: worker
obrero: working; labour; worker; labourer; laborer; churchwarden
obscenidad: obscenity
obsceno: obscene; indecent; lewd
obscurecer: oscurecer
obscuridad: oscuridad
obscuro: oscuro
obsequiar: to lavish attentions on; to present somebody with something; to court; to woo
obsequio: gift; present; attention; shown; courtesy; treat
obsequioso: obliging; obsequious; attentive
observación: observation; note; comment; remark; observance
observador: observant; observer; observing
observancia: observance; respect
observar: to observe; to watch; to notice; to point out; to respect; to follow
observarse: to be noticed