English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

observatorio: observatory; weather station
obsesión: obsession
obsesionado: obsessed
obsesionar: to obsession
obsesionar: to obsess
obsesionarse: to become obsessed; to be obsessed
obsesivo: obsessive
obseso: obsessed; obsessive person
obsoleto: obsolete
obstaculizar: to hinder; to hamper; to block; to obstruct; to prevent
obstáculo: obstacle
obstante: no obstante: nevertheless; however; in spite of; despite
obstar: to stand in the way; to be an obstacle
obstetricia: obstetrics; obstetricy
obstinación: stubbornness; obstinacy; obduracy
obstinado: persistent; obstinate; stubborn
obstinarse: to refuse to give way
obstrucción: obstruction; blockage
obstruir: to obstruct; to block; to impede; to hinder; to clog; to stop up
obstruirse: to get blocked
obtener: to get; to win; to make; to gain; to attain; to obtain; to procure
obtenerse: to be obtained
obturador: shutter; obturator; throttle; stopper; plug; obturating; stopping
obturar: to block; to obturate; to close; to plug; to throttle
obtuso: blunt; obtuse; stupid; dull; low in perception
obús: shell; howitzer
obviar: to avoid; to get round
obvio: obvious; evident
oca: goose; royal goose; oca; board game similar to snakes and ladders
ocarina: ocarina
ocasión: opportunity; chance; moment; time; occasion; bargain; case
ocasional: accidental; occasional; chance
ocasionar: to cause; to occasion
ocaso: sunset; decline; setting; decadence; west
occidental: western; westerner
occidentalizar: to westernize
occidente: west; occident
occipital: occipital
Oceanía: Oceanía
oceánico: ocean; oceanic
océano: ocean; sea; host
oceanografía: oceanography
ocelote: ocelot
ochavo: small copper coin
ochenta: eighty; eightieth
ochentavo: eightieth
ocho: eight; eighth
ochocientos: eight hundred
ocio: leisure; idleness; spare time; pastime; diversion
ociosidad: idleness
ocioso: idle; useless; needless; unnecessary; pointless

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