English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ocre: ocher; ochre
octágono: octagon; octagonal
octano: octane
octava: octave
octavilla: pamphlet; leaflet; octavo; eight part of a sheet of paper; octosyllabic octave
octavo: eighth
octeto: octet; byte
octogenario: octogenarian
octogésimo: eightieth
octogonal: octagonal
octógono: octagon
octubre: October
ocular: eye; ocular; eyepiece; testigo ocular: eyewitness
oculista: oculist; ophthalmologist; eye-specialist
ocultar: to hide; to conceal; to cover; to secret; to occult; to cover up
ocultarse: to hide
ocultismo: occultism
oculto: hidden; concealed; secret; occult
ocupa: squatter
ocupación: occupation; job
ocupado: busy; engaged; occupied; taken
ocupante: occupant; occupier
ocupar: to occupy; to take up; to live in; to sit at; to sit in; to hold; to provide work for
ocuparse: to deal with; to look after
ocurrencia: bright idea; witty remark; quip; occurrence; event; occasion
ocurrente: witty; bright; occurring
ocurrir: to happen; to occur; to befall
ocurrirse: to occur; to strike; to come into one's mind
oda: ode
odiar: to hate; to loathe
odio: hatred; hate; loathing; odium
odioso: hateful; horrible; odious
odisea: odyssey
odontología: dentistry; odontology
odontólogo: dentist; dental surgeon; odontologist
odre: wineskin; winebag; drunkard
oeste: west; western; westerly
ofender: to insult; to offend; to hurt; to attack; to injure
ofenderse: to be offended; to take offence
ofensa: offence; slight; insult; affront
ofensiva: offensive
ofensivo: offensive
oferta: offer; supply; bargain; bid; tender
ofertar: to offer; offering; gift
office: scullery; breakfast room
oficial: official; officer; clerk; journeyman; trainee; craftsman
oficiala: tradeswoman; craftswoman; officer
oficialismo: government party; authorities
oficiar: to officiate at; to celebrate; to act
oficina: office; bureau; workshop; pharmacist's laboratory
oficinista: office worker; clerk

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