oficio: trade; job; profession; occupation; office letter; service
oficioso: unofficial; officious; meddlesome; diligent; obliging
ofimática: office automation
ofrecer: to offer; to give; to provide; to throw; to present; to hold; to celebrate
ofrecerse: to offer; to volunteer; to be displayed
ofrecimiento: offer; offering; promise
ofrenda: offering; gift
ofrendar: to offer up
ofrezco, ofrezca: ofrecer
oftalmología: ophthalmology
oftalmólogo: ophthalmologist
ofuscar: to dazzle; to blind; to obfuscate
ofuscarse: to be blinded; to become confused
ogro: ogre
oh: oh
oídas: de oídas: by hearsay
oído: ear; hearing
oigo, oiga: oír
oír: to hear; to listen to
ojal: buttonhole; eyelet; eyelet hole
ojalá: would to God; God grant; I hope
ojeada: quick look; glance
ojear: to beat for game; to chase away; to eye; to have a quick look at; to glance at
ojera: eye cup; eye glass; ojeras: rings under the eyes
ojeriza: dislike; animosity; grudge; spite; ill will
ojeroso: haggard; having rings under the eyes
ojiva: ogive; pointed arch; warhead
ojo: eye; hole; perforation; bow; speck of grease in soup; well of stairs; span; bay of bridge;
ojota: sandal
okupa: squatter
ola: wave; billow; surge; swell
olé: bravo
oleada: wave; large wave; surge; swell
oleaje: swell; surge
óleo: oil; olive oil; chrism; holy oil
oleoducto: pipeline
oler: to smell; to scent; to sniff; to snuff; to pry into
olerse: to suspect; to guess
olfatear: to sniff; to smell; to scent; to snoop; to pry into; to try to discover
olfato: sense of smell; nose; sagacious sense
oligarquía: oligarchy
oligoelemento: trace element
oligofrenia: mental handicap
oligofrénico: mentally handicapped
olimpiada: Olympiad; Olympic games
olímpico: Olympic; haughty
olisquear: to smell; to scent; to sniff
oliva: olive; barn owl
oliváceo: olive-coloured; olivaceous
olivar: olive grove; olive plantation; oliveyard