pabellón: pavilion; canopy; stack of rifles; bell of a wind instrument; flag; colours; national
pábilo, pabilo: wick or snuff
pábulo: fuel; food; aliment; support; pabulum
pacana: pecan tree; pecan nut
pacato: prudish; excessively timid and moderate
pacense: inhabitant of Badajoz
paceño: inhabitant of La Paz
pacer: to graze; to pasture
pachá: pasha
pachanga: party
pachanguero: catchy
pacharán: alcoholic drink made from sloes
pachón: pointer dog; basset hound; slow; sluggish; furry; woolly; shaggy
pachorra: slowness; phlegm; sluggishness; indolence
pachucho: overripe; wilted; withered; under the weather; off-colour; weak; drooping
pachulí: patchouli; pachouli
paciencia: patience; small almond cake
paciente: patient
pacificación: pacification; peace; quiet
pacificador: peacemaker; pacifier; pacifying
pacificar: to pacify; to calm down
pacificarse: to calm down
pacífico: pacific; peaceable; peaceful; placid
pacifismo: pacifism
pacifista: pacifist
pacotilla: venture; goods carried by seamen of a ship free of freight; de pacotilla: jumped-up;
cheap; of inferior quality
pactar: to covenant; to agree upon; to stipulate; to come to an agreement; to temporize
pacto: pact; agreement; covenant; compact
paddle: paddle ball
padecer: to suffer from; to be a victim of; to suffer
padezco, padezca: padecer
padecimiento: suffering; ailment
pádel: paddle ball
padrastro: stepfather; cruel father; hangnail
padrazo: loving or indulgent father
padre: father; stallion; sire; padres: parents
padrenuestro: Lord's prayer
padrinazgo: patronage; support; protection; act, title or charge of a godfather
padrino: godfather; sponsor; second at a duel; patron; protector; padrino de boda: best man
padrón: census; register; electoral roll; voter list; pattern; model; memorial column or post
paella: paella; rice dish with vegetables, meat and seafood
paellera: paella dish
paga: pay; wages; salary; pocket money; allowance; payment; satisfaction; amends; requital;
pagadero: payable; time and place of payment
pagado: paid; pleased; proud
pagador: payer; paymaster; paying