English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pagaduría: payments office; disbursement office
paganismo: paganism; heathenism
pagano: pagan; heathen; person who ends up paying the bill
pagar: to pay; to pay for; to expiate; to atone; to make amends for; to repay; to return
pagarse: to pay; to be proud or conceited
pagaré: promissory note
página: page; chapter
paginación: pagination
paginar: to paginate; to page
pago: payment; reward; repayment; return; paid; rural district
pagoda: pagoda
pagué: pagar
pai: pie; pai de queso: cheesecake
paipai, paipay: circular fan with handle made of palm
pairo: lying to
país: country; nation; land; region; territory; landscape; sheet of a fan
paisaje: landscape; scenery
paisajista: landscape painter
paisanaje: civil population; civilians; peasantry; countryfolk; fellow countrymanship
paisano: from the same country or place; compatriot; fellow countryman; peasant; civilian; de
paisano: in civilian on plain clothes
paja: straw; trash; rubbish; hacerse una paja: to wank; to jerk off
pajar: haystack; straw loft; barn
pájara: female bird; hen; crafty female; kite; blackout
pajarera: aviary; large bird cage
pajarería: bird shop; large number of birds
pajarero: bird seller; breeder of birds
pajarita: paper bird; bow tie
pájaro: bird; passerine bird; sly and crafty fellow; pájaro bobo: penguin; pájaro carpintero:
pajarraco: big and ugly bird; sly fellow; swine; nasty character
paje: page; familiar of a bishop; cabin boy
pajizo: straw-coloured; made of straw; thatched with straw
pajolero: annoying
pajuerano: country dweller; bumpkin
Pakistán: Pakistan
pakistaní: Pakistani
pala: spade; shovel; dustpan; peel; baker's peel; slice; bat; paddle; racket; blade; upper; vamp of
a shoe; bowl of a spoon; leaf of a hinge; joint of a prickly pear; shovelful
palabra: word; act of speaking; speech; promise
palabreja: strange word
palabrería: hot air; meaningless or empty talk
palabrota: swearword; coarse and obscene word or expression
palacete: small palace; mansion
palaciego: palace; court; courtier
palacio: palace; mansion house; palacio de congresos: conference center; palacio de deportes:
sports center
palacio de justicia: lawcourts
palada: shovelful; stroke
paladar: palate; roof of one's mouth; taste
paladear: to savour; to taste with pleasure; to relish

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