English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

paladín: paladin; champion; defender
palafito: palafitte; house built on stilts over a lake
palafrenero: groom; stableman; hostler
palanca: lever; handle; bar; rudder bar; diving board; influence; leverage; palanca de cambio:
gearstick; gearshift
palangana: washbasin; washbowl; bowl
palanganear: to show off
palangre: long line for fishing; boulter
palanqueta: crowbar; jimmy; bar shot
palatal: palatal
palatino: palace; court; palatine
palco: box
palenque: fence; enclosure; palisade; wood fence
palentino: inhabitant of Palencia
paleografía: palaeography; paleography
paleolítico: Palaeolithic; Paleolithic
paleontología: palaentology; paleontology
paleontólogo: palaentologist; paleontologist
paleozoico: Palaeozoic; Paleozoic
Palestina: Palestine
palestino: Palestinian
palestra: palaestra; palestra
paleta: trowel; palette; bat; paddle; blade; sail; incisor; lollipop; ice lolly
paletada: shovelful; trowelful
paletilla: shoulder blade; shoulder; sternum cartilage
paleto: uncouth; ignorant; yokel; country bumpkin; fallow deer
paliar: to alleviate; to ease; to lessen; to extenuate
paliativo: palliative; mitigating factor
palidecer: to turn pale; to blanch; to pale; to wan
palidez: pallor; paleness; wanness
pálido: pale; pallid; wan; ghastly
palier: bearing
palillero: toothpick container; toothpick holder
palillo: toothpick; chopstick; drumstick; skinny person; clothes peg; clothes pin; bobbin for
making lace; chit-chat; palillos: castanets
palio: canopy; portable canopy; pallium
palique: chat; small talk; chit-chat
palisandro: rosewood; palisander
palito: small stick; ice lolly
palitroque: rough small stick
paliza: beating; thrashing; spanking; nuisance
palizada: fence; palisade; enclosure; stockade
palma: palm; palm tree; sole of hoof; palmas: clapping; applause
palmada: pat; slap; handclap
palmar: palm grove; measuring a span; to die
palmarés: track record; list of winners
palmario: obvious; clear; evident
palmatoria: candleholder; short candlestick with a handle
palmeado: webbed; palmate
palmear: to clap; to slap
palmense: inhabitant of Las Palmas

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