parturienta: woman in labour; parturient; woman in confinement
parvo: small; little; short; paltry
parvulario: nursery school
párvulo: nursery school pupil; little child; small; simple; innocent; humble
pasa: raisin; kink; channel; pasa de Corinto: currant
pasable: passable; tolerable; sufferable
pasacalle: lively march; live band music
pasada: wipe; coat; revision; passage; passing; long stitch; pick; great thing
pasadera: stepping stone; footbridge
pasadizo: passageway; alley; passage; corridor; aisle; hall
pasado: past; gone by; elapsed time; last; after; old-fashioned; faded; off; bad; cooked; overripe;
spoiled; tainted; pasado mañana: the day after tomorrow
pasador: hair slide; hairpin; bodkin; tiepin; shoelace; shoestring; bolt; one who passes
something across; strainer; colander
pasaje: ticket; passengers; alleyway; lane; arcade of shops; passage; strait; transition
pasajero: passenger; passing; transient; transitory; frequented
pasamano, pasamanos: handrail; banister; gangway; passement
pasamontañas: balaclava
pasante: articled clerk; assistant; passant
pasaporte: passport; free license
pasapurés: mixer; blender
pasar: to pass; to transfer; to carry across; to smuggle; to hand; to hand over; to go over; to
cross; to pass by; to walk past; to surpass; to transgress; to penetrate; to pierce; to swallow; to go
through; to experience; to suffer; to omit; to overlook; to spend; to dry fruit; to flow; to run; to
die; to happen; to turn; to put up with; to tolerate
pasarse: to go over; to cease; to finish; to be forgotten; to lose its force; to become spoiled or
overripe; to burn out; to be loose
pasarela: footbridge; gangway; catwalk; bridge
pasatiempo: pastime; hobby
Pascua: Passover; Easter; Pascuas: Christmas
pase: pass; showing; screening; parade; permit; feint
paseante: stroller; promenader
pasear: to go for a walk; to walk; to pace; to stroll; to saunter; to drive or ride for pleasure; to
promenade; to show off; to parade
pasearse: to walk; to be idle
paseíllo: procession at the beginning of bullfight
paseo: walk; stroll; drive; ride; row; avenue; boulevard; public walk; parade; mall; promenade;
dar un paseo: to go for a walk; mandar a paseo: to send somebody packing
pasillo: corridor; aisle; narrow passage
pasión: passion
pasionaria: passionflower
pasividad: passiveness; passivity
pasivo: passive; inactive; unresponsive; past; perfect; liabilities
pasma: cops
pasmado: astonished; astounded; stunned; dumbfounded
pasmar: to astound; to amaze; to stun; to chill; to benumb; to paralyze
pasmarse: to be astounded; to be amazed; to be stunned
pasmarote: dope; twit
pasmo: astonishment; wonder; chill; tetanus
pasmoso: astonishing; marvellous
paso: step; footprint; footstep; passing; crossing; way through; thoroughfare; walk; pace; pass;