English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

strait; unit; float used in Holy Week processions; pasos: travelling; steps; paso a nivel: level
crossing; grade crossing; paso de cebra: zebra crossing; crosswalk
pasodoble: paso doble
pasota: apathetic; dropout
pasparse: to get chapped
pasquín: pasquinade or political writing posted in a public place
pasta: paste; pulp; mixture; pasta; pastry; biscuit; cookie; dough; cash; pasta de dientes, pasta
dentífrica: toothpaste
pastar: to graze; to pasture
pastel: cake; pie; pastel; woad; crooked deal
pastelería: cake shop; patisserie; pastries; pastry shop
pastelero: pastry cook; patissier; trimmer; temporizer
pasteurización: pasteurization
pasteurizado: pasteurized
pasteurizar: to pasteurize
pastiche: pastiche; mishmash
pastilla: pill; tablet; bar; sweet; candy; piece; lozenge; drop
pastizal: pasture land; pasture ground for horses
pasto: grazing; pasture; fodder; food; nourishment; pabulum; ser pasto de las llamas: to go up
in flames
pastón: un pastón: a whole heap of money; a fortune
pastor: shepherd; herdsman; minister
pastoral: pastoral; pastorale
pastoreo: pasture; shepherding; pasturing
pastoril: pastoral
pastoso: pasty; sticky; doughy; furry; smooth; mellow; dry; pastose
pata: leg; foot; paw; hoof; a cuatro patas: on all fours; meter la pata: to make a blunder; to put
one's foot in it; pata de gallo: crow's feet; estirar la pata: to die
patada: kick; stamp; footstep
patalear: to kick about; to stamp one's feet; to kick and scream
pataleo: kicking; stamping; protest; patter; tramp
pataleta: tantrum; fit or convulsion
patán: bumpkin; boor; rustic; churl; oaf
patata: potato; rubbish; trash; patatas fritas: chips; crisps; patatas bravas: potatoes in spicy
patatín-patatán: subterfuges
patatús: fit; fainting fit
paté: paté
patear: to kick; to stamp on; to stamp one's feet; to walk around
patearse: to walk around; to squander
patena: paten; limpio como una patena: spotlessly clean
patentado: patent; patented
patentar: to patent
patente: obvious; clear; evident; licence; certificate; patent; commission; patente de corso: free
pateo: foot-stamping
paternal: fatherly; paternal
paternalismo: paternalism
paternalista: paternalistic
paternidad: fatherhood; paternity; authorship; title given to a father
paterno: paternal

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