patético: pathetic; moving
patetismo: pathos; poignancy; patheticalness
patibulario: sinister; frightening; hideous; hair-raising; gallows
patíbulo: scaffold; gallows
patidifuso: stunned; astonished; astound; amazed
patilla: sideboard; sideburn; arm; chape of buckle; pocket flap; tenon
patín: ice skate; roller skate; scooter; pedal boat; pedalo; skid; contact shoe; a kind of petrel
pátina: patina
patinador: skater
patinaje: skating; skidding
patinar: to skate; to roller-skate; to skid; to slip; to put one's foot in it; to make a blunder; to
patinazo: skid; slip; blunder; mistake
patinete: scooter
patio: patio; court; yard; courtyard; campus; playground; parade ground; pit; stalls
patitieso: frozen stiff; aghast; amazed; stunned; astounded; astonished; stiff-legged; stiff;
patizambo: knock-kneed; bandy-legged
pato: duck; drake; clumsy person; pato real- mallard; pagar el pato: to carry the can
patochada: mistake; gaffe; blunder; stupidity; nonsense
patógeno: pathogenic; pathogenous
patología: pathology
patológico: pathological
patólogo: pathologist
patoso: clumsy; dull and cheaply witted
patraña: lie; story; falsehood; humbug
patria: native country; homeland; fatherland; home
patriarca: patriarch
patriarcado: patriarchy; patriarchate
patriarcal: patriarchal
patricio: patrician
patrimonial: assets
patrimonio: patrimony; inheritance; wealth; national wealth; exclusive birthright
patrio: native
patriota: patriot; patriotic
patriotería: chauvinism; jingoism
patriotero: chauvinistic; jingoistic; chauvinist; jingoist
patriótico: patriotic
patriotismo: patriotism
patrocinador: sponsor; patron; protector; sponsoring; patronizing; protecting
patrocinar: to sponsor; to patronize; to protect; to favour
patrocinio: sponsorship; patronage; protection; favor; auspices
patrón: boss; master; landlord; host; employer; patron saint; skipper; pattern; standard
patronal: management; employers' organization; patronal
patronato: board; trust; patronage; foundation
patrono: boss; employer; patron saint
patrulla: patrol; gang; band
patrullar: to patrol
patrullera: patrol boat
patrullero: patrol; patrol boat; patrol plane; squad car; policeman
patuco: bootee