perfumar: to perfume
perfumarse: to put on perfume
perfume: perfume; odour; fragance; scent
perfumería: perfumery; perfumer's shop
pergamino: parchment; vellum; nobiliary antecedents of a family or person
pergeñar: to scribble; to draft; to prepare to do; to make
pérgola: pergola; roof garden
pericardio: pericardium
pericarpio: pericarp
pericia: skill; expertise; expertness
pericial: expert; expert's
perico: budgerigar; parakeet; large fan; large asparagus; chamber pot; coke; cocaine
periferia: periphery; outskirts
periférico: peripheral; peripheric; peripherical
perifollo: chervil; perifollos: frills; finery; frippery
periforme: pear-shaped
perífrasis: periphrasis
perifrásico: wordy; periphrastic
perilla: goatee; imperial; pommel of saddlebow; lobe of the ear; pear-shaped ornament; de
perilla: to the point
perimétrico: perimetric
perímetro: perimeter
periodicidad: periodicity
periódico: periodic; recurring; periodical; journal; paper; newspaper
periodismo: journalism
periodista: journalist; reporter
periodístico: journalistic
período: period
peripecia: peripeteia; vicissitude; incident
periplo: long voyage; periplus
peripuesto: smartly dressed; spruce; dressed up
periquete: jiffy; instant
periquito: budgerigar; parakeet
periscopio: periscope
perista: fence; receiver
perita: pear
peritaje: expert's report; technical training
perito: expert; qualified; skilful; skilled
peritoneo: peritoneum
peritonitis: peritonitis
perjudicar: to damage; to hurt; to injure; to prejudice; to affect adversely
perjudicial: detrimental; damaging; harmful; injurious; prejudicial
perjuicio: damage; harm; injury; prejudice; detriment
perjurar: to commit perjury; to perjure oneself, to swear; to be profane
perjurio: perjury
perjuro: perjurer; perjured
perla: pearl; gem; treasure; de perlas: excellent
perlado: pearly; pearl-shaped; beaded
perlé: type of cotton thread
permanecer: to remain; to stay; to last; to endure
permanencia: stay; sojourn; permanence; permanency; duration; fixedness; stability