English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pinche: kitchen boy; scullion; scoundrel; lousy; damned
pinchito: appetizer; titbit
pincho: point; thorn; prickle; spine; appetizer; titbit; pincho de tortilla: slice of omelette;
pincho moruno: type of pork kebab
pineda: pine forest
pingajo: rag; tatter
pingo: rag; tatter; nag
pingonear: to hang about the streets
pingoneo: de pingoneo: hanging about the streets
ping-pong: ping-pong; table tennis
pingüe: considerable; plentiful; substantial; fertile; greasy; oily
pingüino: penguin
pinitos: first steps
pino: pine; pine tree; handstand; en el quinto pino: in the back of the beyond
pinocha: pine needle
pinrel: foot
pinsapo: Spanish fir
pinta: look; appearance; dot; stop; pint; piece of graffiti; scoundrel; crook
pintada: piece of graffiti; slogan; guinea fowl
pintado: painted; made-up; mottled; spotted; mottled; identical
pintalabios: lipstick
pintamonas: dauber
pintar: to paint; to draw; to picture; to depict; to fancy; to imagine; to describe; to write; to
exaggerate; to be trumps; to seem to be going; to have influence
pintarse: to paint oneself; to put on one's make-up
pintarrajear: to paint very badly; to daub
pintarrajearse: to put on too much make-up
pintiparado: exactly alike; closely resembling; fit; fitting
pintor: painter; pintor de brocha gorda: house painter; bad painter; dauber
pintoresco: picturesque; singular; unusual
pintura: painting; paint; coloured pencil; description; picture; colour; portrayal
pinturero: flashily dressed; vain; conceited affected
pinza: clothes peg; clothes pin; hairclip; dart; claw; pincer; pinzas: tweezers; tongs; pincers;
pinzón: finch; chaffinch
piña: cone; pineapple; close-knot group; cluster; knot; bang
piñata: hanging pot filled with sweetmeats which is broken with a stick by a blindfolded child;
piñón: pine nut; pinion; nut of a gunlock
piñonate: candied pine-nut kernel
pío: pious; merciful; compassionate; pied; piebald; peeping; chirp; ni pío: not a word
piojo: louse
piojoso: lousy; dirty; grubby; mean; stingy
piolet: ice-axe
piolín: string
pionero: pioneer
piorrea: pyorrhea; pyorrhoea
pipa: pipe; pip; seed; cask; barrel; pasarlo pipa: to have a great time
pipeta: pipette
pipí: pee; urination; pitpit; honey creeper
pipiolo: novice; green horn

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