English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pleuresía: pleurisy
pleuritis: pleurisy; pleuritis
plexiglás: plexiglass
plexo: plexus
pléyade: pleiad
plica: sealed envelope
pliego: sheet of paper; folded paper; sealed letter or document; plegar
pliegue: fold; pleat; plait; crease
plinto: plinth; vaulting horse; box
plisado: pleated
plomada: plumb line; weights; plummet; sinkers
plomazo: pest; pain in the neck
plomería: plumbing; plumber's roof; lead roofing; leadwork
plomero: plumber; lead worker
plomizo: leaden; plumbeous; lead-coloured
plomo: lead; plumb line; plummet; sinker; bullet; bore; dull person; plomos: fuses; caer a
plomo: to fall plumb
pluma: feather; plume; quill; pen; writer; featherweight
plumaje: plumage; plume; crest
plumazo: stroke of pen; brief writing; de un plumazo: at a stroke
plumero: feather duster; crest; plume; feather; box for pens and pencils
plumier: pencil case
plumífero: quilted-jacket; quilted-anorak
plumilla: nib; small feather; small writing pen; point for fountain pen; shuttlecock; plumule
plumón: down; feather bed
plural: plural
pluralidad: plurality; diversity
pluralismo: pluralism
pluralizar: to generalize; to pluralize
pluricelular: multicellular
pluriempleo: practice of having more than one job
pluripartidismo: multiparty system
plus: bonus; extra; extra pay
pluscuamperfecto: pluperfect
plusmarca: record
plusmarquista: record holder
plusvalía: increase in value; appreciation; capital gains tax
Plutón: Pluto
plutonio: plutonium
pluviómetro: rain gauge; pluviometer
población: population; peopling; planting; settling; colonizing; village; town; city
poblado: populated; bushy; thick; settlement; village; town
poblador: inhabitant; populator; colonizer; settler; peopling; populating
poblar: to populate; to settle; to inhabit; to colonize; to plant; to cover; to grow on
poblarse: to be populated; to be settled; to fill up; to become filled or covered
pobre: poor; pauper; beggar; lacking; unfortunate
pobreza: poverty; destitution; want; poorness; scanty possessions; meanness of spirit
pocho: overripe; under the weather; off-colour; pale; depressed; down
pocholo: cute; pretty
pocilga: pigsty; pigpen; dirty place

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