pócima: potion; concoction; medicinal drink
poción: potion; drink; beverage
poco: little; not much; shortly; a short time; few
poda: pruning; pruning season
podar: to prune; to lop; to trim
podenco: hound
poder: power; force; strength; might; hands; possession; holding of office; proxy; authority; to
be able to; can; may; to have power or influence
poderse: to be possible; to be allowed
poderío: power; might; sway; jurisdiction; wealth; riches
poderoso: powerful; mighty; effective; forcible; strong; rich; wealthy
podio: podium
pódium: podium
podología: chiropody; podiatry
podólogo: chiropodist; podiatrist
podré, podrá, podría: poder
podredumbre: putrefaction; rottenness; corruption; rot; decay; pus
podrido: rotten; corrupt; pudrir
podrir: pudrir
poema: poem
poesía: poem; poetry
poeta: poet
poético: poetic
poetisa: poetess
pógrom: pogrom
pointer: pointer
póker: poker
polaco: Polish; Pole
polaina: legging
polar: polar; pole
polaridad: polarity
polarización: polarization; concentration
polarizar: to polarize; to become the focus of
polaroid: Polaroid
polca: polka
polea: pulley; tackle; tackle block
polémica: controversy; polemic; art of fortification and investment
polémico: controversial; polemical; polemic
polemizar: to argue
polen: pollen
poleo: penny royal; stiff; cold wind
poli: cop
policía: police; policeman; officer; detective; politeness; cleanliness; good order
policíaco: crime; detective
policial: police; crime; detective
policlínica: polyclinic; hospital
polichinela: punchinello
policromo: many-coloured; polychrome
polideportivo: sports centre
poliedro: polyhedron
poliéster: polyester