English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

posguerra: postwar period
posibilidad: possibility; chance; choice; ability; posibilidades: means; property
posibilitar: to make possible; to facilitate
posible: possible; posibles: means; resources
posición: position; rank; status; putting; placement
positivo: positive
poso: sediment; grounds; dregs; aftertaste; rest; repose
posoperatorio: post-operative
posparto: period following childbirth
posponer: to postpone; to put off; to subordinate
posta: change of horses; staging post; post; posthouse; stage; relay; slice; chop; slice; lead ball;
stake; memorial tablet; a posta: on purpose
postal: postal; postcard
postdata: postscript
poste: post; pole; pillar; goalpost
póster: poster
postergar: to postpone; to delay; to leave behind in a promotion
posteridad: posterity
posterior: posterior; hinder; back; rear; later
posteriori: a posteriori: with hindsight; after the event
posterioridad: posteriority
postgrado: posgrado
postgraduado: postgraduate
postigo: shutter; wicket; back door; postern
postilla: scab
postín: airs; importance
postizo: artificial; false; not natural; detachable; false hair; hairpiece; castanet
postoperatorio: postoperative
postor: bidder
postración: depression; prostration
postrado: prostrate
postrar: to prostrate; to lay out; to humble; to overthrow; to exhaust
postrarse: to prostrate oneself; to kneel down
postre: dessert; a la postre: in the end
postrero: last; hindermost; last one
postrimerías: end; last period; last years
postulado: postulate
postulante: postulant; collector; candidate; applicant; postulating
postular: to collect; to postulate; to apply; to beg; to demand; to propose; to put forward
postularse: to put oneself outward; to stand
póstumo: posthumous
postura: position; posture; stance; bid; stake; wager; egg
potable: fit to drink; drinkable; reasonable; potable
potaje: pottage; soup; stewed vegetables; mixed drink; medley; hodge-podge
potasa: potash; potassium
potasio: potassium
pote: pot; jar; cooking pot; traditional stew of Galicia and Asturias
potencia: power; potency; potentiality
potencial: potential; conditional
potenciar: to promote; to encourage
potentado: rich and powerful person; potentate

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