potente: powerful; potent; mighty; strong; vigorous
potestad: authority; power; faculty; dominion; jurisdiction; potentate
potingue: disgusting mess; make-up; medicine; concoction
potito: jar of baby food
poto: type of creeper; ivy; bottom
potra: filly; luck; rupture; scrotal hernia
potro: colt; foal; horse; rack; stocks
poyo: stone bench built against the wall
poza: pond; pool; puddle
pozo: well; pit; shaft; hole; pool; kitty fish tank; pozo negro: cesspit
práctica: practice; skill; training; prácticas: practical; work placement
practicable: feasible; passable; practicable
practicante: practising; surgeon; medical assistant; prescription clerk
practicar: to practise; to exercise; to do habitually; to make; to cut; to perform; to carry out
práctico: practical; skilful; practised; pilot
pradera: prairie; meadowland
prado: meadow; field; grassland; lawn
Praga: Prague
pragmático: pragmatic; pragmatist
pragmatismo: pragmatism
preámbulo: introduction; preamble
prebenda: prebend; benefice; benefit; perk; sinecure
precalentamiento: warm-up
precalentar: to preheat; to warm up
precario: unstable; precarious
precaución: precaution; caution
precaver: to prevent; to provide against
precaverse: to take precautions; to be on one's guard
precavido: prudent; cautious; guarded; wary
precedencia: precedence
precedente: previous; preceding; foregoing; precedent
preceder: to go before; to precede; to take precedence over
preceptista: teacher; one who sets precepts
preceptiva: rules; canons
preceptivo: obligatory; compulsory; preceptive
precepto: precept; command; rule
preceptor: tutor; preceptor
preciado: valuable; precious; prized; proud; boastful
preciar: to appreciate; to value
preciarse: to have self-respect; to pride oneself
precintar: to seal; to close down
precinto: seal; strap; band; sealing with a strap or band
precio: price; value; worth; esteem
preciosidad: preciosity; value; worth; lovely or beautiful girl
precioso: precious; lovely; beautiful
precipicio: precipice; violent fall; ruin
precipitación: haste; rainfall; precipitation; precipitance
precipitado: hasty; precipitate; hurried; rash; inconsiderate
precipitar: to throw down; to hurl down; to speed up; to hasten; to precipitate
precipitarse: to plunge down; to speed up; to rush; to act rashly; to rush; to precipitate
precisamente: exactly; precisely