- Methods vii
- Constructors
- Access Modifiers
- Interfaces
- Exceptions
- Blocks
- Comments
- Summary
- ■Chapter 3: Data Types
- Primitive Data Types
- Integer Primitives
- Real Primitives
- boolean
- char
- The Special Type: String
- Literals
- Wrapper Classes
- Arrays
- The Non-Existent Type: null
- Enumerations
- Summary
- Primitive Data Types
- ■Chapter 4: Operators
- Operator Precedence
- The Missing Operator: Parentheses........................................................................................................
- Postfix Operators
- Unary Operators
- Casting
- Multiplicative Operators
- Additive Operators viii
- Shift Operators
- Relational Operators
- Equality Operators
- Bitwise AND Operator (&)
- Bitwise Exclusive OR Operator (^)
- Bitwise Inclusive OR Operator (|)
- Logical AND Operator (&&)
- Logical OR Operator (||)
- Assignment Operators
- Comparing and Sorting Objects
- Implementing the equals Method
- Comparisons for Sorting
- Summary
- ■Chapter 5: Control Flow, Looping, and Branching
- Control Flow
- if and if-else Statements
- switch Statements
- Looping
- For Loops
- While loops
- Do-while Loops
- Branching
- The break Statement
- The continue Statement
- The return Statement
- Summary
- Control Flow
- ■Chapter 6: Object-oriented Programming ix
- Objects
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Modeling Behavior through Interfaces
- Abstract Classes
- Static Members
- Polymorphism
- Our Animals in Java
- A Lesson about Granularity
- Pass-by-Reference and Pass-by-Value
- Summary
- ■Chapter 7: Writing a User Interface
- Java Swing: The Basics
- A Basic Swing Application
- A Larger Swing Application
- Summary
- Java Swing: The Basics
- ■Chapter 8: Writing and Reading Files
- Working with File Objects
- Opening a File
- Deleting a File
- Working with Temporary Files
- Creating a Directory
- Deleting a Directory
- Deleting Multiple Directories
- Writing and Reading Content x
- Merrily Down the Stream
- Reading a File's Content
- Writing a File's Content
- Summary
- Working with File Objects
- ■Chapter 9: Writing and Reading XML
- The Structure of XML
- XML and Streams
- DOM and SAX
- Writing XML
- Writing XML with DOM
- Writing XML with Strings
- Reading XML
- Reading XML with DOM
- Reading XML with SAX
- A Word about Factory Classes
- Summary
- ■Chapter 10: Animation
- Timing Is Everything
- Animation: A Simple Example
- Animating Multiple Items
- Sprite Animation
- Summary
- ■Chapter 11: Debugging with Eclipse
- The Flow of Debugging
- Debugging without a Debugger
- Starting the Eclipse Debugger
- Breakpoints and Variables xi
- Setting a Line Breakpoint
- About Scope
- Removing a Line Breakpoint
- Disabling a Line Breakpoint
- Making a Conditional Breakpoint
- Debugging Tips and Tricks
- Fixing the Fireworks Program
- Summary
- ■Chapter 12: Video Games
- The Mechanics of a Video Game
- The User Interface
- The Game Logic
- The Game Loop
- The TargetClick Game
- The Shooting Gallery Game
- Expanding the ShootingGallery Game
- A Note about Limitations
- Game Design Resources
- Summary
- The Mechanics of a Video Game
- ■Chapter 13: Garbage Collection
- Understanding Memory Allocation
- The Java Garbage Collection Algorithm: Marking and Sweeping
- Understanding Memory Settings
- Understanding Garbage Collection
- Understanding Generations
- Scavenges and Full Collections
- Garbage Collection is Event-Driven xii
- Understanding Garbage Collection Settings
- Optimizing Garbage Collection
- Collection Hints
- Blocking Garbage Collection
- A New Garbage Collector
- Summary
- Understanding Memory Allocation
- ■Chapter 14: Recursion
- Recursion is Natural
- Recursion is Common
- Know Your Stop Condition
- When to Avoid Recursion
- When to Use Recursion
- Calculating the Fibonacci Sequence
- Calculating Fractals
- Drawing a Sierpinski Triangle
- Drawing a Fractal Tree
- Summary
- ■Chapter 15: Generics and Regular Expressions
- Generics
- Regular Expressions
- Summary
- Index