Java 7 for Absolute Beginners

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  1. In the PPackage field, type whatever you like for the package, but remember to
    use a name you can remember and keep it separate from your other projects. A
    package is a way to group classes together. For small projects, you don't need
    them. Large projects would be impossible to manage without them, though.
    We'll cover classes in the next chapterIn the NName field, type Hello. This is the
    name of your class.

  2. Check the checkbox that gives you a main method (public static void main
    (String args[])). When you're done, you should have a class similar to the
    one in Listing 1-1.

Remember that Java is case-sensitive. “Hello” is not the same as “hello”
to Java.

Listing 1-1: Preliminary Hello class

package com.bryantcs.examples.hello;

public class Hello {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub



  1. Remove the comments. We don't need a comment (the lines that start with /
    and end with /
    and the line that starts with //), and we're about to fill in that
    autogenerated stub.

  2. Within the main method, type:

System.out.println(“Hello, World!”);

Your class should now look similar to Listing 1-2.

Listing 1-2: Basic Hello program

package com.bryantcs.examples.hello;

public class Hello {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");

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