Java 7 for Absolute Beginners

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Listing 3-1. String examples

String myString = "my string";
String yourString = "your string";
String ourString = myString + " " + yourString;

The output is in Listing 3-2.

Listing 3-2. String example output

my string
your string
my string your string

Notice that the value of ourString consists of the concatenation of three values: myString, " ", and
yourString. " " is a String literal. That's another way String differs from other objects; no other object
(remember, primitives aren't objects) can have a literal.


All the primitives and the String class can have literal values. A literal is a constant value that
corresponds to a particular data type. Table 3-2 provides examples for each of the primitive data types
and the String class.

Table 3-2. Literal examples

Type Literal

byte int a = -100;

short int b = 1000;

int int c = -10000;

long int d = 100000000000;

float float e = 12.34f;

double double f = -56.78;

boolean boolean iLoveJava = true;

char char aChar = 'a';

String String greeting = "Hi, there!";
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