Drawing lessons - illustrated lesson notes for teachers and students

(Barré) #1

The Oil Painter's Bible - chapter 5


Master Class - advanced oil painting principles and techniques
from the Renaissance to the present by Virgil Elliott, APSC, ASPA
111 Goodwin Avenue, Penngrove, California 94951-8660, U.S.A.
Telephone: (707) 664-8198
E-Mail: [email protected]
© 2000 Virgil Elliott. All rights reserved


The greatest art is that which moves the viewer in a positive way, which touches perhaps dormant

sensibilities inherent in human nature, and awakens and/or fortifies man's better qualities in so doing.

Great performances in all the arts accomplish this same goal. A well-written operatic aria, for example,

sung brilliantly and with feeling by a virtuoso soprano, can move an audience profoundly, raising the hair

on the neck and bringing tears to the eyes, leaving at least some of them gasping and choking back sobs of

deeply felt emotion as they try to maintain their composure. Experiencing such profound appreciation for

a masterly performance leaves one forever changed for the better. It cannot do otherwise. Great Literature

provides many comparable experiences. In painting, it is possible to achieve the same thing.

Great Literature provides many

comparable experiences. In

painting, it is possible to

achieve the same thing. The

reader is referred to

Rembrandt's "Judas Returning

the Thirty Pieces of Silver" for

an excellent example. The

depth of Judas' remorseful

anguish is compellingly

conveyed by his body language

as well as his facial expression,

and the viewer cannot help but

be deeply moved upon viewing


Compassion and sympathy are called forth as the audience feels the anguish of the subject, so

eloquently is it expressed in the painting. Compassion , empathy, sympathy; these are all aspects of man's

better nature. To change people for the better—what more noble purpose could an artist be called upon to

fulfill? To what higher calling could we aspire?

In each of the examples presented above, the means by which the experience is made possible is

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