Drawing lessons - illustrated lesson notes for teachers and students

(Barré) #1

Silver and copper


SILVER Technical: Second to gold as most
malleable. Oxides are black forming silver
sulphide (try egg yolks) - see dark cracks in
example. Spitting silver, when silver cools it
expels oxygen and spits. Used as an alloy,
in photography and for coins. Absorbs most
hues equally but seems to reflect minor
amounts of most.
Conceptionally : Precious metal with dull
lustre. Jewellery, tableware. Combines well
with gold and glass and useful for subtle
neutral highlights.
Presentation: Always try and understate -
against a dark background if possible. As
with the pearl, silver can be painted over
with a milky rainbow-hued semi-
transparent film. Adaptable for use beside
objects with strong hues as it will give nice
secondary glows. Make colors as subtle as

Painting: First paint in grey as slick and smooth as possible making sure to roughly place the
highlights. Allow to dry then glaze with thin quick drying medium. When dry scrumble on red
blue and yellows in minute milky amounts. When dry glaze again ( or else you can apply the
colors thinly within a medium). Scrumble on colors reflected from nearby objects etc. Place

some opaque highlights and merge with surrounding areas until a dull glow is achieved.

COPPER Technical: Found in pure state and
can be beaten into shape when cold.
Alloyed with tin gives bronze. Used as
plates for engraving and etching. Oxidises a
green-blue. Often mined with sulphur which
is burnt off in smelting. Great conductor -
wide use as cooking utensils. Copper is
usually fashioned using a 'ball-pane'
hammer which has a rounded face. This
gives it that distinctive ripple effect.
Conceptional: Coins, warm brown colors
with irregular highlights. Goes in and out of
fashion with house utensils etc. Age-old
metal easily beaten into relief panels which
some years ago were made into stand-
alone decorations.
Presentation: Best given the beaten effect

  • see below. Hints of green in the shadows
    with subdued red-yellow hues in middle

http://www.geocities.com/~jlhagan/advanced/silvercopper.htm (1 of 2)1/13/2004 3:38:57 AM

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