The Washington Post Magazine - USA (2021-11-28)

(EriveltonMoraes) #1

Join millions of older Americans who arerediscovering the joyofwalking

“I’mon themoveagain with

my all-newPerfec tWalker



Foryears,Ifoundmyselfwalki ng less and less.

As Igot older,aches and painsinmybackand

legs causedmetostayinmychair,watching

TV ...and watchin glife go by.Mydoctortold

me to be more active,and Itried. Itriedcanes,

walkersand rollators...andIhated them.
Shufflingalong, hunchedover, lookingatthe ground

twofeetinf ront of me –thatdidn’t seem like afun way

to getaround. Then,one day, afriend introduced me to


ThePerfectWalkeris arevolutio narynew mobility

device that canchangeyourlife by changingthe way

youwalk. It enab lesyou to stand uprightwhenyou
walk –withyourspinestraigh tand your eyes looking

straight ahead.Yourweigh tissupported by your upper

armsand shoulders, some of thestrongestparts of your

body.Tradi tionalwalkers and rollatorsforce youtoput


wrists.You push them in frontofyou,lookingatthe
groundinstead of whereyou aregoing. ThePerfect

Walkermoveswith you, with your body perfectly

aligned andyourfeetfreetowalkinanormal fashion.

Itseasy-adjust height system allows itto be theperfect

fit/height foranyone fr om 4’9” to 6’2” and supports
up to 300pounds. Thenew Stand Assist™Handles

enab le youtodistribut eyourweigh tacrossyourarms

and shoulders, notyourhandsand wrists to help reduce

back,neck, wrist pain and discomfort. It features

comfortable armpads, hand brak es,afold-down seat
and storag eareawith abackrest. It’s built with aircraft-
gradealuminumtobesturdyyet lightweight, and its
sleekdesignand oversized wheels make it perfectfor
tightspots in thehouse or walkin ginthe yard.

Whyspendanother daybentoverand shuffling
around–orworse yet, plopped in frontofthe TV
allday.Pick up thephone and takebackyourlife.
Call now.

Perfec tWalker


Call now Toll-Free



OldWayBetter Way

Plus,nowyou can choose betweenroyalblue or rich bronze

  • Stand-AssistHandles

  • Folds Easily

  • OptimizedCenter of Gravity

    • Comfortable Seat

    • AdjustableBackrest

    • Easy-BrakeWheels

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