Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1


Figures and Exhibits xi

Foreword xiii
Niall FitzGerald
Foreword xv
Frances Hesselbein

Preface xvii
Acknowledgments xxiii

Part One: Challenges and Dilemmas 1

  1. Why Aren’t Those Specials Selling Today? 3
    Elliott Masie

  2. Five Dilemmas of Knowledge Management 13
    Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner

  3. Effectively Influencing Up: Ensuring That Your
    Knowledge Makes a Difference 19
    Marshall Goldsmith

  4. Where “Managing Knowledge” Goes Wrong
    and What to Do Instead 27
    Niko Canner and Jon R. Katzenbach

  5. Knowledge Management Involves Neither
    Knowledge nor Management 39
    Marc S. Effron

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