that ready employees for fresh challenges, create new intellectual
capital, and provide greater benefit to those you serve. Along the
way, you may discover that these opportunities increase employee
confidence and enthusiasm, a feeling of security, personal growth, a
sense of community, and rewarding relationships. Could there be any
better reasons for becoming a champion of informal learning today?^7
Marcia L. Conneris director of the Ageless Learner, cofounder of
the Learnativity Alliance, and a fellow of the Batten Institute at the
University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business
Administration. She serves as executive coach and senior counsel
to curious leaders around the world. She wrote Learn More Nowand
coedited Creating a Learning Culture.She was information futurist
as well as vice president of education services for PeopleSoft, a
senior manager of worldwide training at Microsoft, and editor in
chief of Learning in the New Economy magazine. Contact:
[email protected];; http://