for application purposes, the more likely it will be that those orga-
nizations will achieve the competitive advantage all organizations
seek. Although the model we’ve proposed here is by no means the
best solution to this complicated challenge, it is intended to stim-
ulate a dialogue that will lead us all in the direction of possibilities.^4
Spencer Clarkis chief learning officer of Cadence Design Systems,
the industry leader in the electronic design automation space. In
this role, he is building Cadence University and driving global
implementation of technical, professional, executive, and leader-
ship development. He is responsible for implementing an organiza-
tional development practice within the Cadence Culture. His
responsibilities also include the development and integration of an
explicit talent development program into the Cadence succession-
planning process. For the five years preceding Cadence, Clark was
president of his own consulting company, where he used his skills to
improve the performance in a variety of industries and disciplines,
including power, defense, security, and manufacturing. He is a mem-
ber of the board of directors for the China Institute of Software
Technology, RFI Enterprises, the Chief Learning Officers Network,
the advisory board for Leavy School of Business at Santa Clara Uni-
versity, and a member of the American Nuclear Society. Contact:
[email protected]
Richard Mirabileis an organizational psychologist with more than
two decades of diverse business and academic experience. In his cur-
rent role, he works with many top companies. He specializes in lead-
ership and executive development, large-scale organizational
change, high-performance teaming, and assessment. Earlier in his
career, he was an assistant professor at Purdue University and an
adjunct faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin, the
California School of Professional Psychology, and John F. Kennedy
University. Contact: [email protected]