Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

follow-through period, offers great potential for increasing the
overall effectiveness of leadership programs.

Calhoun W. Wick,founder and chairman of Fort Hill Company,
has spent more than two decades studying how managers develop
and businesses learn new capabilities. His research led to the devel-
opment of Friday5s, a unique Web-based solution that helps com-
panies motivate follow-through action from learning and
development events and measure results. Wick is a nationally rec-
ognized expert in turning corporate education into improved busi-
ness results and has published a book on the subject. Contact:
[email protected]; http://www.ifollowthrough.com

Roy V. H. Pollockis president and chief operating officer for Fort
Hill Company. Prior to joining Fort Hill, he served as a member of
the global management teams for SmithKline Beecham Animal
Health, Pfizer Animal Health, and IDEXX Laboratories and was a
corporate officer at IDEXX. Earlier in his career, Pollock was for
eight years a faculty member at Cornell University, where he served
as assistant professor and assistant dean of the College of Veterinary
Medicine. He is a Fellow of the Kellogg Foundation National Lead-
ership Program. Contact: [email protected]; http://


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