Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

changes in leadership philosophy would become a requirement for
survival, is fast approaching. This will not only enable us as leaders
to build more effective, more human organizations, but it will also
enable us to enrich the lives of every person who gives us permis-
sion to lead.

Gary Heilis an author, educator, lawyer, consultant, and coach. For
the past three decades, he has been an ardent student of the human
side of organizations. He was a pioneer in the study of loyal cus-
tomer relationships and how they are affected by employee motiva-
tion. He is the coauthor of Leadership and the Customer Revolution,
One Size Fits One, Maslow on Management, andRevisiting the Human
Side of Enterprise.He is the cofounder of the Webcast “Leadership
Lessons from the FastLane,” has served as an examiner for the Mal-
colm Baldrige National Quality Award, and founded the Center for
Innovative Leadership. Heil has served on the boards of several
technology companies and remains an adviser to world-class lead-
ers in a number of industries. Contact: [email protected]; http://

Linda Alepinis a partner at Center for New Futures, a leadership
consulting firm. She has more than thirty years of experience in the
field of high technology. As a consultant, she focuses on helping her
clients achieve breakthrough results through shifts in their think-
ing. She spent more than ten years as a vice president and officer of
a Fortune 300 information technology company, and she was CEO
and founder of an early Internet start-up in the e-learning space.
Alepin is a noted public speaker on leadership and management.
She is currently head of the leadership initiative at Santa Clara
University and a founder of Open Capital Network, a nonprofit that
links entrepreneurs worldwide with Silicon Valley expertise. Con-
tact: [email protected]; http://www.centerfornewfutures.com

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