Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1

CEOs learn from shaping the content of executive develop-
ment programs and by teaching in these programs. This forces
them to reflect on and to clarify their vision and “teachable” points
of view. They also ensure that best practices are constantly embed-
ded into company training and education programs.
CEOs use management and executive programs to give and
receive feedback. They learn the most by leading dialogues in which
lots of questions are asked and there is a license to speak openly and
frankly about issues and concerns (as opposed to where knowledge is
imparted from on high). They learn from spending time and debrief-
ing with program facilitators and coaches following the program.

How CEOs Demonstrate Their Commitment
to Learning and Knowledge Sharing

In order for individuals throughout the organization to understand
the value of learning, CEOs must be role models for learning and
knowledge sharing. Following are some methods they use to
demonstrate their commitment to learning.

CEOs Are Champions

They invest adequate financial and human resources into learning
and knowledge sharing. They always push to have more done.
They champion one or two strategic initiatives annually, for which
they set performance targets and learning goals. They regard
these investments and the infrastructure supporting learning and
knowledge management as critical to the long-term excellent
performance and competitive advantage of their organizations.
They get personally involved in the design of executive devel-
opment programs; even more important, they attend programs as
participants, just like every other executive. This sends a clear mes-
sage about the importance they put on the development of people
and the use of corporate programs as instruments of change and
business development.

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