Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
Marcia Conner explores informal learning—how people learn on
the job. Sandy Ogg and Tom Cummings discuss how larger organi-
zations can leverage their “bigness” and benefit from “early infor-
mation” to compete with smaller competitors in “The Company as
a Marketplace for Ideas: Simple but Not Easy.” In “Knowledge
Mapping: An Application Model for Organizations,” Spencer
Clark and Richard Mirabile propose a method of knowledge
mapping to effectively organize and use knowledge in decision
making. This part concludes with “Just-in-Time Guidance” by
Calhoun Wick and Roy Pollock. The authors outline opportunities
and principles for applying information technology to leadership
development guidance.
Part Three, “Leaders Who Make a Difference,” opens with
“What Leading Executives Know—and You Need to Learn,”
Howard Morgan’s examination of the knowledge and attributes
that are integral to the success of today’s executives. Gary Heil and
Linda Alepin, in “Rethinking Our Leadership Thinking: Choosing
a More Authentic Path,” advocate the development of authentic-
ity as a way for leaders to keep ideas moving and people stimulated.
In “Learning at the Top: How CEOs Set the Tone for the Knowl-
edge Organization,” James Bolt and Charles Brassard investigate
how CEOs do and do not learn and why they should. James
Belasco discusses the development and promotion of “learner-
leaders” in organizations in “Unleash the Learning Epidemic.”
Alexander Horniman’s “Leading: A Performing Learning Art”
defines leader-learners as creative innovative learners who base
learning on knowledge (facts), thinking, and understanding. In
the last chapter in Part Three, “What’s the Big Idea? The ‘Little
Things’ That Build Great Leadership in Organizations,” Lauren
Cantlon and Robert Gandossy explore five nuances of great
Part Four, “Changes for the Future,” begins with a chapter by
Betsy Jacobson and Beverly Kaye, “Learning Stored Forward: A
Priceless Legacy,” which defines explicit and tacit knowledge and
discusses the passing of knowledge from person to person. In


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