Leading Organizational Learning

(Jeff_L) #1
“Developing New Ideas for Your Clients—and Convincing Them
to Act,” Andrew Sobel explains how consultants can help organi-
zations to develop ideas. Jon Powell reviews knowledge manage-
ment over the past decade, highlighting its successes and failures
and providing tips for future learning, in “Making Knowledge
Move.” In “The Role of Change Management in Knowledge Man-
agement,” Marc Rosenberg adds the human element, change
management, to knowledge management, giving us an equation
that just may work. In the final chapter in this part, “Building
Social Connections to Gain the Knowledge Advantage,” Susan
Jackson and Niclas Erhardt lay out the myths and realities of
knowledge management and discuss how organizations can get
knowledge moving.
Part Five, “Case Studies and Examples,” opens with “Some Key
Examples of Knowledge Management,” in which W. Warner Burke
explores key examples and lessons for leaders in the domain of
knowledge management. Allan Cohen’s “Leadership and Access to
Ideas” delves into the concept of interaction in the form of leaders
asking for employees for new business ideas. In “Capturing Ideas,
Creating Information, and Liberating Knowledge,” Peter Drummond-
Hay and Barbara Saidel use their experiences at Russell Reynolds
to define a new role, “the connector,” whose purpose is to join peo-
ple to information and people to people. Fred Harburg discusses
Motorola’s Leadership Supply Initiative as a best practice case
example in “Learning at the Speed of Flight.” In “The Audacity of
Imagination: How Lilly Is Creating ‘Research Without Walls,’”
Sharon Sullivan, Bryan Dunnivant, and Laurie Sachtleben reveal
Eli Lilly Company’s strategy for learning, gathering ideas, and
researching new products. Using Goldman-Sachs as an example,
Steffen Landauer and Steve Kerr bring Part Five to a close with
“Developing a Learning Culture on Wall Street: One Firm’s
Experience,” which discusses obstacles that financial firms face in
creating a learning culture.
Leading Organizational Learning is our attempt to bring you the
newest and most innovative ideas on the subjects of leadership and


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